第65回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会 | 2021年3月xx日~3月xx日 島根大学松江キャンパス(島根県松江市)


Inquiries about registration

AEZ annual meeting Desk Soubun Printing Co., Ltd.
7-12-16 Nishiogu Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
116-0011 Japan
FAX: +81-3-3893-6611
e-mail: odokon.desksoubun.com

Inquiries about presentation

Entomological Laboratory
Faculty of Agriculture
Meijo University
1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku, Nagoya
468-8502 Japan
e-mail: 2020odkmeijogmail.com

English Presentation Award

Aims of the English Presentation Award

Recently, research presentation in English has become more important subject in the rapid progression of globalization. To promote English presentations and give opportunities for communication with international students and visiting researchers to the AEZ annual meeting, the English Presentation Award is set up in the current meeting.


The eligibility is limited to AEZ members under 40 years old who have not received PhD or who have received their PhD no more than 3 years at the time to entry.

Deadline of application

Applications for presentations: 17:00 (JST), Wednesday December 25, 2019.

Please choice category No. 28: English oral presentation, the second choice is 28-2, and the third choice 28-3.

Judgement criteria

A few judges are assigned in each session.

All presentations are judged and scored based on the quality of the research (50%) and the quality of the presentation (50%). Outstanding award and excellent award will be awarded to the first and the second placed presenters.

An award ceremony will be held at 14:00, March 17.






2日目の特別小集会・小集会ならびに3日目の一般講演(午前)・小集会の終了時刻に誤りがありましたので修正致しました。また、小集会の講演要旨〆切も、一般講演と同じ12/25(水) 17:00です。関係する方々にはご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありませんでした。


